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What does it mean to truly lead people to success? In which situations do you need to manage your team as a structure and when to guide or inspire individual personalities?


How do we develop an elegant language that respects differences and yet allows us to talk about even the most difficult of subjects? Learn the principles of communication and the psychology behind it.


How do we develop self-awareness that aids us in our personal development and authentic confidence that carries us through periods of severe self-doubt?

Hospitality & Service

How often have you been really happy with the service you have received in a restaurant, bar or hotel? We all have certainly been unpleasantly surprised by the lack of service culture in organisations…


CAPACE is a training, coaching and consulting organization with diverse solutions and an emphasis on experience-based learning. Founded in Germany, operating internationally. We provide online and in-person coaching and consulting services. Our training is only delivered on location, in your city or company premises. After an initial analysis, we like to adapt our existing programs to better suit your specific needs.

Want to hear more about our clients’ experiences with us? Read our references and the latest blog articles. 

Contact us today and tell us about you, your team or your company! If we feel we’re able to help you, we’ll explore ways to do this together. If not, we will put you in touch with someone who can. Either way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We love to connect with people who want to learn more about themselves, grow, develop and make this world a better place.


At CAPACE, we believe that we learn best when we are allowed to be ourselves, rediscover our creativity and have fun. By using a variety of experience-based learning techniques, our trainers help you and your employees develop yourselves and your teams. All while efficiently solving your difficulties and getting to know each other better in a safe and empowering environment…