We believe - capace-training.com
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We believe

We believe that each one of us on this planet is unique and has a valuable contribution to make during our lifetimes.

Most of us have to make a living, but how we make that living and how we impact others’ lives, makes all the difference to how we experience life and happiness. More often than not, no matter how naturally gifted we may be, we must develop our talents to make that life contribution valuable. At some point, some of us realise we need to find out what that contribution even is – or at very least, get on with our fellow humans in the process. All easier said than done, you say. We agree. That is precisely why so few of us end up leading fulfilling and meaningful lives. Why so few of us become the leaders this world so desperately needs. Why so few of us realise our potential.

We believe with the right attitude and expertise, we can change this. We believe by listening to others, sharing our experience and knowledge with them, we can make a real difference in their lives. We believe we can turn people into leaders – in their own lives and in the lives of others.

We believe we can realise human potential. Through doing this, we truly believe we can make this world a better place. Perhaps because we are crazy and passionate enough to believe this, we’d like to think we stand a chance of someday achieving just that.


Adèle Wallace founded CAPACE out of the belief in the transformational ability of people – like you – to reinvent themselves, their teams, their companies and their lives. Adèle truly believes that given the right impulses, support and insight, we humans can realise our true potential, while making this planet a happier and healthier place for all of us.

After over 10 years of listening to mentees, colleagues, employees and leaders, our founder was determined to create an organisation that represented the skills and knowledge gained over these years, and most importantly, this unwavering belief that together, we can realise human potential, heal ourselves and the world around us.

Adele Wallace