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We at CAPACE believe we learn best when we are allowed to be ourselves, release our creativity and have fun. By using a variety of experience-based learning techniques, our trainers help you and your employees develop yourselves and your teams, while solving your difficulties and getting to know each other better.

Guided Change

Heraclitus is quoted as saying “The only constant in life, is change”. Why then do many of us struggle when faced with this constant inevitability? In this two-day change management training, you learn the basic principles of change and motivational psychology, while experiencing how changes in your team mindset and collaboration can impact the success or failure of change initiatives. Contact us for an initial analysis of team dynamics and change needs!

Communication Training - Capace Training


How do we develop an elegant language that respects differences and yet allows us to talk about even the most difficult of subjects? In this intensive three-day course, you learn the principles of communication and the psychology behind it. You practice everyday conversations, as well as tough employee appraisals. You receive feedback on your communication style, body language and tone. Contact us to find out more about your communication style and how we can best help you and those around you.

Conflict Management

When interacting with other human beings, conflict is an everyday reality, so trying to avoid it at all costs, can prove very exhausting to yourself and others. In this two-day training, you learn how to enjoy interacting with others even when discussing difficult and sensitive topics. After understanding the theory behind effective conflict management, you will practice new communication tactics and techniques. Contact us for a conflict management training for your team or family!

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Self-awareness & authentic confidence

The world needs more of us who are able to self-reflect without damaging our self-confidence. Much of the confidence we see today, especially from well-known people, appears unattainable and at times, inauthentic. How do we develop self-awareness that aids us in our personal development and authentic confidence that carries us through periods of severe self-doubt? Contact us to find out more about our self-awareness and confidence programs


Theodore M. Hesburgh once said: “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” You also have to be able to communicate that vision and inspire others to follow it. It really doesn’t matter if the vision is ‘just’ for you, your family or for a large corporation. We will help you to find your vision, define it, communicate it and then live it. Contact us today and tell us what you think of your company leadership

Capace Training Leadership